Prohibited Association

The WADA Prohibited Association List includes the name, nationality and end date of the disqualifying status of Athlete Support  Personnel who have committed anti-doping rule violations.
All Athletes are prohibited from associating with any such Athlete Support Personnel pursuant to Article 2.10 of the Code.

However, Athletes should be aware that they are also  prohibited from associating with any Athlete or other Person who is currently serving a period of ineligibility, and who has, while ineligible, acted as an Athlete Support Person.

In order to avoid any potentially adverse consequences related to  Prohibited Association, WADA recommends that all Athletes verify the status of all Athlete Support Personnel (and other Athletes they associate with in a professional or sport-related capacity) with the appropriate Anti-Doping Organization  (ADO) to ensure that they are not currently serving a period of ineligibility.

You can contact IPF directly to inquire. ipfantipdoping(at)

In addition – athletes can visit the Prohibited Association List on the WADA Website :

The WADA Prohibited Association List can be downloaded here :

asp_list_updated_2024.07.10_-_final.pdf (


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